Precision Medicine Seminar Series 2023

Precision Medicine Seminar Series 2023

  • by EldaRailey - Fri, 08/04/2023 - 05:30

You're Invited!

Advocates have been valuable in advancing precision medicine in oncology by providing the patient perspective during planning and implementing precision medicinetrials. To further facilitate meaningful interaction and idea sharing between advocates and clinical trial leaders, Research Advocacy Network is pleased to announce theupcoming Precision Medicine Seminar Series for Advocates 2023, a four-month program series beginning August 2023.

As a member of the research advocate community, we invite you to join us. This Series begins on August 23, 2023, 12-1:00pm (central) and continues monthly through November. The Series will host speakers discussing topics important and relevant to precision medicine and research advocacy. To maximize your contribution, we ask that participants plan to attend all sessions of the virtual Series.


Wednesday, August 23rd 12-1pm CentralRichard Schilsky, MDWhat evidence do we have that biomarker-driven treatment works? 

Wednesday, September 20 12-1pm CentralStan Hamilton, MDTissue is Still an Issue: Quality and Quantity    

    Wednesday, October 18 12-1pm CentralSpeaker TBDHow Patients Access Targeted Therapies:Barriers to Cost and Time

Wednesday, November 29  12-1pm CentralBryan Schneider, MDHealth Equity & Disparities:Does Precision Oncology Help or Hurt? 

 (Session topics and speaker subject to change based on speaker availability )

 Please send questions to Lisa Beckendorf, at